A Clockwork Orange 40th Anniversary Clip Revisits ‘Ultraviolence’
The meticulously framed images in this clip still radiate menace, four decades after the release of Stanley Kubrick's black-humored study of "ultraviolence."
View ArticleFlash Back to A Clockwork Orange’s Eyeball-Torturing ‘Aversion Therapy’
For a refresher course in the black-humored sci-fi classic A Clockwork Orange, five clips excerpted from the forthcoming Blu-ray release serve as ample reminder that futuristic thug Alex was evil...
View ArticleC: 299792 Kilometers Per Second Uses Miniatures for Vintage Sci-Fi Feel
Are sci-fi fans sick and tired of computer-generated effects? Judging from micro-investor response to a fundraiser trailer for C: 299792 Kilometers Per Second, there seems to be plenty of hunger for...
View ArticleRoom 237 Explores Hidden Meanings in The Shining
Directed by Rodney Ascher, the documentary Room 237 interviews some of The Shining's most passionate fans about what they think are the film's secret messages. And while that could just sound like a...
View ArticleSee 2001: A Space Odyssey Recut Into a Blockbuster-Style Trailer
Imagine 2001: A Space Odyssey redone as a bombastic 3-D Hollywood hell-raiser, directed by Michael Bay. A new parody trailer does just that.
View ArticleThe Beatles’ Surreal Magical Mystery Tour to Get Resurrected for Millennials
Some things are better in hindsight -- especially things created by The Beatles, who were consistently ahead of their time. For proof look no further than their film Magical Mystery Tour, which did...
View ArticleGeek's Guide to the Galaxy | Nalo Hopkinson’s New Novels Bring the Mojo
In this week's episode of Geek's Guide to the Galaxy author Nalo Hopkinson talks about race in science fiction and keeping a reserve of alternate titles for her works.
View ArticleThe 10 Most Outrageous Theories About What The Shining Really Means
There are many, many theories about what Stanley Kubrick's flick The Shining really means. Here are some highlights form the new documentary Room 237.
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